My name is Gabriela Cecilia Gil Rueda and I am currently a Fashion Merchandising student at SUNY Oneonta. I was born and raised in Lima, Peru and moved to the U.S. to pursue my degree and career in 2022.

Fashion is not something that exists in dresses only. Fashion is in the sky, in the street, fashion has to do with ideas, the way we live, what is happening.

– Coco Channel

I have gained valuable experience in marketing through my employment with Balkanica, a renowned Peruvian designer brand. I started as a sales associate and transitioned into the role of a PR intern. This experience has honed my marketing skills and provided me with a comprehensive understanding of the industry.

In addition to my marketing experience, I have also worked in the food services sector, allowing me to develop a strong work ethic and exceptional customer service skills. Furthermore, I had the privilege of serving as a Peer Mentor in the Office of Racial Justice at my school. This role enabled me to actively contribute to fostering a more inclusive and diverse community while assisting fellow students in navigating the challenges they may face.

Through these varied roles, I have cultivated a range of social skills that have greatly enhanced my ability to interact positively with customers and colleagues. I am adept at building strong relationships, fostering effective communication, and creating a harmonious working environment.

Last but not least, I mastered over the years with leadership positions that I’ve had through my years in school the use of different technologies and software as Microsoft 365, Adobe photoshop, Canva and Shopify.